This is how I see me in my dreams

This is how I see me in my dreams

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Oh Blah Dee, Oh Blah Dah

Life goes on, Brah....

I went to the 50th Anniversary of Frank D. Parent School today. I was 10 years old when the first classes opened. Mrs. Rygg was my 5th grade teacher. I looked for her today but they said that the only teacher who was still alive was Coach Nelson, another example of longevity through healthy living.

Most of the "kids" who showed up were from Arin's and David's grades. Gray-haired old farts, laughing and hugging each other, taking group pictures and comparing shared memories that no one remembered quite the same. It was pretty great.

Mitch and Gary looked great. I missed Andrea by an hour or so, but I know she looks great too.

A "boy" came up to me and told me that he'd had a crush on me when we were little. We laughed and hugged and I wondered if he regretted or was relieved that he never pursued me.

The thing that is keeping me awake at 4am is the thought that most of them said they were retired. Retired. Old people retire. I haven't decided what I want to do with my life yet and these "peers" of mine are retired.

Now I don't know if I should Panic? Relax? What? And wait, I don't even want to retire! Retire and do what? Whatever it is that retired people do, I'm pretty sure I'm already doing it, but I don't really have any THING that I retired from.

Okay, so taking a quick inventory of my options...MY BOOK!!! That's it! I'll get published and retire as a published author! WooHoo!!! Thank God that's settled. No more stressing about it. I'm going to bed now.

Oh...does anyone know an Action/Adventure publisher out there? (200 pages, all dialogue, reads like a Summer Release.)

1 comment:

  1. You have to remember he wasn't the only one with a crush on you.....3:33am, that's not good. I'll bet Mr. Nelson doesn't stay up till 3 and look at his longevity. 8hrs. sleep minimum. If your going to do this, let's do it right. Write the book in daylite hrs.
    F.D.P. 50--whoa, that's a lot.
